Monday, April 13, 2009

Flower Hoya Flowers

Type of Flowers 
Hoya is an Asclepiad genus of 200–300 species of tropical plants inwards the identify unit of measurement Apocynaceae (Dogbane). Most are native to Asia including India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, as well as Indonesia, There is a neat variety of species inwards the Philippines, as well as species inwards Polynesia, New Guinea, as well as Australia. Common names for this genus are waxplant, waxvine, waxflower or precisely hoya. This genus was named past times botanist Robert Brown, inwards respect of his friend, botanist Thomas Hoy.

Hoya flowers are all shaped similar 5 pointed stars. Some of the species' petals reflex as well as hence far that the flowers look to live on circular or ball-like. They grow inwards umbels, or inwards some species singly. Umbels tin achieve impressive proportions inwards some species, as well as many species bring private flowers good over iii inches inwards diameter (H. imperialis Lindl., H. lauterbachii K. Schuman). H. coriacea Blume has been known to bring every bit many every bit seventy inwards an inflorescence, each private touchstone close 2 cm inwards diameter amongst the umbels over xxx cm inwards breadth. The single-flowered Hoya pauciflora Wight makes upwardly for its paucity past times its bloom size of close an inch as well as a one-half inwards diameter produced at whatever fourth dimension of year. Textures of bloom surfaces may live on glabrous as well as shiny, to matte, to finely haired, as well as some beingness quite hairy. One of the 2 clones of Hoya mindorensis Schltr., from the Philippines, comes really some beingness a truthful red. Blue, purples, as well as violets exercise non look to live on represented inwards the genus Hoya.

Many species of Hoya are pop houseplants inwards temperate areas (especially H. carnosa), grown for their attractive foliage as well as strongly scented flowers. Numerous cultivars bring been selected for dissimilar leafage forms or bloom colours. Hoyas grow good indoors, preferring vivid light, but volition tolerate fairly depression calorie-free levels, although they may non bloom without vivid light. Hoyas usually sold inwards nurseries every bit houseplants include cultivars of H. carnosa (Krimson Queen, Hindu Rope − compacta), H. pubicalyx (often mislabelled every bit H. carnosa or H. purpurea-fusca), as well as H. kerrii. Hoyas are tardily to propagate, as well as are usually sold every bit cuttings, either rooted or unrooted, or every bit a potted plant.

Hoyas are evergreen perennial creepers or vines or rarely, shrubs. They ofttimes grow epiphytically on trees; some grow terrestrially, or occasionally inwards rocky areas. They climb past times twining, as well as amongst the work of adventitious roots. Larger species grow 1–18 1000 (3–59 ft), or more, amongst suitable back upwardly inwards trees. They bring elementary entire leaves, arranged inwards an contrary pattern, that are typically succulent. Leaves may demonstrate a variety of forms, as well as may live on smooth, felted or hairy; veination may live on prominent or not, as well as many species bring leafage surfaces flecked amongst irregular pocket-size silvery spots.