Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flower Erythronium Flowers

Type of Flowers
Erythronium (fawn lily, trout lily, dog's-tooth violet, adder's tongue) is a genus of 20–30 species of hardy spring-flowering perennial plants alongside long, tooth-like bulbs. Slender stems behavior pendent flowers alongside recurved tepals inwards shades of cream, yellow, pinkish together with mauve. Species are native to forests together with meadows inwards temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. 

The bulb is edible every bit a origin vegetable, cooked or dried, together with tin hold upwards reason into flour. The leaves tin also hold upwards cooked every bit a leafage vegetable. In Japan, Erythronium japonicum is called katakuri, together with the bulb is processed to create starch, which is used for nutrient together with other purposes. 
They are also widely grown every bit ornamental plants, alongside numerous hybrids together with cultivars having been selected for garden use. Popular cultivars include Erythronium 'Pagoda', E. 'Sundisc', E. 'Joanna', E. 'Kondo', E. 'Citronella', E. californicum 'White Beauty', together with E. 'Rosalind'. Propagation is best past times seed inwards tumble or past times segmentation of bulbs, depending on species. Some species propagate vegetatively. The found is also swell every bit a reason cover, every bit it volition spread over several years.
