Type of Flowers
Crown Flower: Crown bloom (Calotropis gigantea) is a species of Calotropis native to Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Republic of Republic of India as well as China.
It is a large shrub growing to four 1000 tall. It has clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavander inwards colour. Each bloom consists of 5 pointed petals as well as a small, elegant "crown" ascent from the centre, which holds the stamens. The establish has oval, lite greenish leaves as well as milky stem. The latex of Calotropis gigantea contains cardio glycosides, volatile obese acids as well as calcium oxalate.
This establish plays host to a multifariousness of insects as well as butterflies. Calotropis is an example of entomophily pollination (pollination yesteryear insects) as well as pollination is achieved amongst the assistance of bees. In Calotropis, gynostegium is acquaint (formed yesteryear the fusion of stigma as well as androecium). The pollen are arranged inwards a construction named Pollinia which are attached to a glandular, adhesive disc at the stigmatic angle (Translator Mechanism). These viscous discs larn attached to the legs of visiting bees as well as thence that pollinia are pulled out when the bee moves away. When such a bee visits to a greater extent than or less other flower, this bloom gets pollinated yesteryear the viscous pollinia.
Step 1
Choose a location to establish your crown flower. Crown flowers similar amount sun, but they tin handgrip partial shade, too.
Step 2 Obtain a whole crown bloom or a branch of a crown flower. If y'all stimulate got the branch, soak it inwards H2O until it sprouts roots. This should accept virtually a calendar week or two. Once the roots stimulate got sprouted it is laid upward to plant.
Step 3 Plant the crown flower. Dig a hole for the crown bloom deep plenty to accommodate the roots, virtually i to ii feet deep as well as i human foot inwards diameter. Place the crown bloom inwards the hole as well as produce amount amongst soil. Pat it downwards firmly. If y'all are planting the branch, dig a pocket-sized hole, virtually 6 inches deep as well as 3 inches wide. Place the branch inwards the hole as well as produce amount it amongst soil, patting downwards firmly. Stake the branch until it tin tally its ain weight.
Step 4 Water your crown bloom in i lawsuit a calendar week for 5 minutes each watering.
Step 5 Prune the crown bloom when it is 3 feet tall. Remove whatever dead or damaged branches. Trim whatever over-reaching branches. Prune in i lawsuit a twelvemonth for the crown bloom to stimulate got a amount shape
Tip.Do non over H2O your crown flower.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calotropis_gigantea
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