Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flower Cosmos Flowers

Type of Flowers
Cosmos is a genus, alongside the same mutual lift of Cosmos, of nearly 20–26 species of flowering plants inwards the menage unit of measurement Asteraceae. 
Cosmos is native to scrub too meadowland inwards United Mexican States where most of the species occur, Florida too the southern United States, Arizona, Central America, too to South America inwards the due north to Paraguay inwards the south. It is besides widespread over the high eastern plains of South Africa, where it was introduced via contaminated horsefeed imported from United Mexican States during the Boer War.

Cosmos are herbaceous perennial plants growing 0.3–2 1000 (10 in–6 ft vii in) tall. The leaves are simple, pinnate, or bipinnate, too arranged inwards reverse pairs. The flowers are produced inwards a capitulum alongside a weep upwardly of broad ray florets too a centre of disc florets; bloom color is real variable betwixt the dissimilar species. The genus includes several ornamental plants pop inwards gardens. Numerous hybrids too cultivars convey been selected too named.