Type of Flower
A native bloom of South Africa.Family,lamiaceae (fomerly Verbenaceae) The flowers hand inwards publish panicles (clusters) equally inflorescenses borne at the ends of long, arching branches. Each bloom is nigh 1" (2.5cm) long too composed of v lobed petals, of which iv are pale bluish too i violet-blue. There are six showy stamens made upwards of six long arching pale bluish filaments too nighttime bluish anthers. It blooms continuously throughout summertime too fall. In the tropics, it blooms the whole twelvemonth through. Each bloom lasts exclusively a day. The evergreen leaves are bluish-green, opposite, elliptical too strongly toothed, nigh 7-10cm long.The flowers which are nectar-rich attract a lot of butterflies too carpentar bees, wasps too fifty-fifty the occasional humming birds. They simply can't halt loving them.
It has many mutual names:
English : Blue Glory Bower, Blue Butterfly Flower, Clerodendron, Blue Butterfly Wings, Butterfly
Bush, Oxford Bush, Cambridge Bush
Chinese : 紫蝶花 (zi overstep hua) pregnant Purple Butterfly Flower.